Bridge the physical and digital worlds with QR Codes on product packaging

  • Spark interest and drive brand engagement by offering how-to videos or virtual try-on experiences via QR Codes on product packaging.
  • Drive offline browsers to your online store and showcase related products your customers might like thanks to customized QR Codes.
  • Elevate the unboxing experience and foster loyalty by offering customers special discounts and rewards through QR Codes on package inserts. 
Video game box with QR code for instructions on how to pair controller

Use GS1-compliant 2D Barcodes to better inform consumers

  • Build brand trust by utilizing 2D Barcodes to share care instructions, product details, ingredient sourcing, and other valuable information.
  • Forge instant customer connections through mobile scans that lead to reviews or related items for purchase.
  • Showcase your sustainable business practices and help shoppers make informed purchases with 2D Barcodes printed directly on packaging.
Short link and QR code to purchase controller

Measure all your offline interactions with robust analytics

  • Analyze scans across your entire product line with Bitly Analytics to better understand consumer preferences and geographic trends.
  • Get insights into when, where, and which products consumers are scanning over time so you can deliver more personalized experiences.
  • Track packaging scan data from shelf to purchase and see which products or content destinations are influencing buying decisions.
Bitly Analytics dashboard

Reach consumers everywhere with the Bitly Connections Platform

  • Unleash the potential of your packaging by using Bitly’s API to generate GS1-compliant 2D Barcodes across thousands of products.
  • View scan engagement and track the customer journey over time—all in one dashboard. 
  • Tap into the tools you already know and love with Bitly’s 800+ integrations.
Bitly Connections platform UI

Start building powerful connections today

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The Bitly Connections Platform

Use our URL shortener, QR Codes, and landing pages to engage your audience and connect them to the right information. Build, edit, and track it all in the Bitly Connections Platform.

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Short-links illustration example
URL Shortener Upward facing arrow
A comprehensive solution to help make every point of connection between your content and your audience more powerful.

Popular URL Shortening Features

  • URL shortening at scale
  • Custom links with your brand
  • URL redirects
  • Advanced analytics & tracking

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QR code options and sample of colors available
QR Codes Upward facing arrow
QR Code solutions for every customer, business and brand experience.

Popular QR Code Features

  • Fully customizable QR Codes
  • Dynamic QR Codes
  • QR Code types & destination options
  • Advanced analytics & tracking

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Various samples of Bitly Landing Pages
Landing Pages Upward facing arrow
Bitly Pages helps you create engaging, mobile-optimized landing pages in minutes.

Popular Landing Page Features

  • Custom URLs for social media
  • Customizable landing page
  • Easy-to-manage links
  • Link and landing page tracking

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What our customers are saying

Get closer to your audience
and customers today

Knowing how your clicks and scans are performing should be as easy as making them. Track, analyze, and optimize all your connections in one place.

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Connections Platform dashboard